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"Food = Nutrition + Medicine" is the philosophy which governs our activities, “Customer First” is our mantra and “authentic” is our goal while coming up with product (s) which serves as a value add for the health & wellness of our esteemed clients. Total hygiene is maintained at our facilities during processing and we retain highest efficacy of the medicinal components found in respective ingredient/ product. Further our packaging is FSSC 22000 certified and material ( i.e. glass ) is lead free, chemically inert and un-reactive.

Note :
1. We wash, dry and debacterize the jar before filling in the product.
2. All of our powders/ spices are pesticide free, chemical free, Non- GMO, Vegan, Non-irradiated & Gluten free. They have been cultivated by following organic method since they go in to our herbal formulation which is an indication of it's purity and quality.
3. We prepare our own seedlings and grow them ( cultivate ). We do not go for grafted ones neither do source any of the seedlings or "cutting grown" ones from third party / nursery.

"With 3 of every 5 critical cases (life threatening) being linked to inflammation related diseases coupled with rise of synthetic/ ultra processed food as well as synthetic bioactive compounds, it is making life difficult for many but not impossible if few & simple corrections are made."

( Liquid Jaggery )


Cane syrup is made from sugarcane juice and concentrated by evaporation or after clarification before any sugar is crystallized . Process involves heating sugar cane juice in an open kettle till it forms thick and dark syrup which is then filtered followed by packaging. Absolutely no additives ( ex. Baking soda, lemon juice etc ) are used during the preparation process. Our syrup is free from any added sugar, preservatives, thickeners, artificial colors, artificial flavors, additives .

Note : Our syrup has been in the market for the past 8 years and is supported by several thousand happy customer(s).


Pickles which are known from generations to people across the world , serve as a great pair to every meal and come with great benefits.” A pickle a day brings antioxidants your way!” is a saying which many are familiar with since it is loaded with raw and unripe ingredients that are a rich source of antioxidants. Recommended in daily diet to boost digestive system ( stimulates growth of probiotic bacteria ) and improve liver health , it has a special place in the Indian diet.

Key points
1. We follow vaastu & shastra based traditional approach to produce our “homemade” pickles where our organic ingredients are cultivated or sourced from the rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka.
2. Our pickles have a shelf life of approximately 1 year and should not be refrigerated, they have to be kept outside in a cool and dry place at room temperature.
3. Our product is free from any additives, preservatives, artificial colors or artificial flavors.

(Botanical Name: Curcuma longa)

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Turmeric is a perennial herb and has a wide range of pharmacological effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor and hepatoprotective activities. It is a commonly used spice throughout the world and is a major part of Ayurveda medicine. Turmerone ( a ketone ) & Curcumin ( a phenol ) are the key active ingredients of turmeric which delivers countless numbers of scientifically verified health benefits. ( know more )

 About our seedling  

Key points
1. Single Origin ( i.e. from our own organic fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
2. It is highly suitable for medicinal purposes. Our turmeric grade is aligned with US Food and Nutrition standards / definition . A listed superfood for healthy lungs especially in cold winters. It assists to boost lung function, reduces inflammation, improves liver health ( supports liver detoxification process and prevents fat build-up ) & congestion caused due to respiratory ailments. Blending it with a tinge of black pepper ( contains piperine ) can help for better absorption of curcumin and other active ingredients since they are not bioavailable ( meaning they are not easily absorbed by the body ).
3. Deskinned, Dried & Stone Ground ( granular ).
4. Our Turmeric variety is the "authentic & original" version( know differences & history ) of the past which used to be cultivated by our ancestors. We do not cultivate hybrid version(s) of the present which look similar and have little or no medicinal value.
5. How to consume -- Our customers ( from Japan, India etc. ) consume it primarily with hot milk or in latte form or as a spice ( in cooking ) to reap the benefits for good health. Also as a home remedy during the period of inconsistent weather conditions, one can add a bit of salt + pinch of this turmeric to hot water and gargle once in 2 days. It will help the throat to avoid possible infections.

Note :
1. Our orange yellow colored organic turmeric is free from any kind of adulterants ( Metanil Yellow / Synthetic color, Chalk powder, Starches, Lead etc. ). Clear water after adding a teaspoon of this turmeric to a glass of lukewarm water at home is an indication of it's purity.
2. Though our turmeric variety is recommended and most preferred for Ayurveda, people do not cultivate it due to low yield which does not make it commercially viable.

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(Botanical Name: Zingiber Officinale)

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One of the most popular spices around the world. Apart from flavouring your fruit dishes, ginger has traditionally been used in medicinal sciences like Ayurveda because of its many health benefits and healing powers. Our organic Ginger comes from the deep forest areas of Western Ghats and in it's native region it is referred to as "Medicinal Ginger" which is different from the conventional Ginger available in the market. It is well recommended in Ayurveda for some of the following purpose.

 About our seedling  

Key points
1. Our Ginger is a single variety Ginger (not commercial variety). It is the "authentic & original" version( know differences & history ) of the past which used to be cultivated by our ancestors. [ Note :- Though recommended and most preferred for Ayurveda, people do not cultivate it due to low yield which does not make it commercially viable. ]
2. Single Origin ( i.e. from our own organic fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
3. It is highly suitable for medicinal purposes. A listed superfood for healthy lungs especially in cold winters. Being adaptogen-rich, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, it assists to remove toxins from respiratory tract while protecting the lungs from inflammation.
4. Deskinned, Dried & Stone Ground.
5. Why Dry Ginger? -- Dry Ginger balances Vata and the drying process enhances digestive properties of ginger. Further the nutrient content gets concentrated by drying ginger while the flavour as well as aroma is enhanced. Gingerol is the primary bioactive compound responsible for ginger's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties and it's concentration is higher in dried ginger.
6. How to consume -- Our customers consume it primarily in tea or decoction form ( occasionally combined with honey or lemon ) to reap the benefits listed above for good health. Our recommendation is to consume half a spoon or less per cup of tea.

Click here to know how we process ]

(Botanical Name: Ocimum tenuiflorum)

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Tulsi ( Holy Basil ) is queen of all herbs and is used widely in Ayurveda. Tulsi(Black)/ Krishna Tulsi is a very sacred plant in India given it's medicinal and therapeutic value. The phenolic content and anti-oxidant capacity is higher than white Vana Tulsi. Apart from it’s religious relevance, this small plant is full of health enriching properties, specially the leaves of this plant help in fighting common cold, viral fever, congestion, this is due to the presence of Camphene, Cineole and Eugenol in the Tulsi leaves. A detoxifier as well as blood purifier it is well recommended in Ayurveda for some of the following purpose.

 About our seedling  

Key points
1. It is highly suitable for medicinal purposes.
2. Dried & Stone Ground.
3. How to consume -- Our customers ( from Japan, India etc. ) consume it primarily in tea or decoction form ( occasionally combined with Ginger ) to reap the benefits listed above for good health.

Note : To prepare one unit( i.e. 85 g ) of powder, in volume terms we consume approximately 20 litre filled vessel full of hand picked fresh tulsi leaves which is then dehydrated ( dried ) and stone ground to prepare the powder. The process ensures medical efficacy. Inspite of the effort involved, we have kept the price of the product very reasonable & affordable to all in order to serve for our customer(s) health.

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(Botanical Name: Piper nigrum)

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Black peppercorn which is familiar as a spice / seasoning, have been used since antiquity both for flavour and as a traditional medicine. We cultivate it in deep forest areas of Western Ghats which is believed to be the origin for black pepper and later spread to the world. Ripe peas with a full core and correct density, contains substances responsible for the taste of pepper and this is what we pick because right amount of Piperine as well as Volatile Oil defines quality ("warm" flavor, richness and fullness) of pepper. Color of our pepper powder is heterogeneous, it consists of particles of gray, light brown color with a slight greenish tinge [ Note - blacker the pepper, the more impurities there are. ]

 About our seedling  

Key points
1. Single Origin ( i.e. from our own organic fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
2. It is highly suitable for medicinal purposes.
3. Dried & Stone Ground.
4. 100% pure. Free from any kind of adulterant ( buckwheat husk, mustard meal, flour, starch, ground rice, ground coriander etc ) and foreign matter ( dust, stones, plastic, rotten raw materials dried and ground into powder, fruits and parts of plants etc ).

Note :
1. Water test after dropping few peppercorn to a glass of water at home is an indication of it's density which should be atleast or above 490 g / l.

Click here to know how we process ]

(Botanical Name: Phyllanthus Emblica)

Our Amla Varieties & Our Fields | Amla & it's benefits | |

Popular for it's high quotient of Vitamin C( approximately 10 times of a lemon ) it has proved to be a fruit of immense importance due to it's healing properties supporting the body from head to toe, gut to brain, skin to teeth to hair—and beyond.  The vitamin C naturally found within the fruit is stabilized by the presence of tannins, which help to maintain the vitamin content even through processing. From an Ayurvedic perspective, this fruit has 5 of the six tastes() and has played a key role in traditional herbal Indian formulation for supporting digestive as well as immune system. It is well recommended to deliver below benefits.

 About our seedling  

Key points
1. Our Amla is not the hybrid version of the present. It is the "authentic & original" version of the past ( average diameter = 10 mm, know differences & history ) which even today is available in the forest and used to be cultivated by our ancestors.
2. Single Origin ( i.e. from our own organic fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
3. It is highly suitable for medicinal purposes. A listed superfood to boost immunity especially in cold winters. It keeps infections at bay.
4. We provide it in dried form.
5. How to consume -- Our customers consume it as it is ( with lukewarm water early in the morning on empty stomach / after meals ) or sprinkle a bit of black pepper before consumption.

(Botanical Name: Syzygium cumini)

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Indian Black berry ( Jamun ) comes from a tree whose every part i.e. leaves, bark, fruit and seeds possess medicinal properties and are being used in Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of various ailments. For years, Jamun seed powder has been used as a natural way to maintain a healthy blood sugar level ( contains jamboline, a compound known to slow down the conversion of starch into sugar ) and is an anti-diuretic.

Key points
1. Single Origin ( i.e. primarily from our own fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
2. Sun Dried.
3. 100 % pure.
4. How to consume -- Add half a teaspoon or less of powder to lukewarm water and drink it early in the morning on empty stomach.

Our Offering | Our Fields

Berries ( red, black, blue, white or purple ) are globally known as valuable food source for humans even before start of agriculture. They have a good nutritional profile and are typically high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidant polyphenols. As a result, incorporating berries into your diet may help prevent and reduce symptoms of many chronic diseases.

Key points
1. Single Origin ( i.e. primarily from our own fields in rich forest areas of Western Ghats in Karnataka ).
2. Sun Dried ( without seeds ).